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Kamaridis Globalwire Business Approach

Kamaridis Globalwire Context

Shrinking Markets - Emerging Markets

Europe is experiencing a prolonged stagnation of its development. North America is rising off its market collapse realizing that it is past its peak. Energy and resources producing economies are leading global growth while dynamic transformation of their infrastructure and societies will keep occurring. Scarcity of resources, imbalance of environmental considerations, differences on energy costs, human rights amendments have brought China, India and now Nigeria and Brazil to lead the worlds growth and industrialization. Arabic countries invest heavily on internal growth. On the other hand Europe’s aging population, and the shrink of the middle class, dramatically affect innovation and investment objectives. The trend of asking more with less will continue. What both, shrinking and emerging markets require is sustainable, reliable solutions. Clients are much more informed, technology aware, with clear and concise requirements. Authorities require businesses to be transparent, safe and with minimal environmental footprint. Our people need to be sustained in order to deliver fresh and avid outcomes.

To those companies whom are positioned at the market pyramid, the concepts of Innovation, Quality and Sustainability form the basis of their competitive advantage.

Kamaridis Globalwire Vision – Mission - Values


Kamaridis Globalwire vision is the Sustainable Forge of the Global Steel Products and Polyurethane Panels market.


Kamaridis Globalwire currently develops, produces and supplies Steel Products, Polyurethane Panels and Galvanized Wire to Middle East, Africa and Europe.


The values that bring up KG strategy to its realization are:

 - Addressing Client Requirements:

Kamaridis Globalwire works closely with its Clients in order to interpret both stated and implied needs. Sincerity during terms setting and efficiency in delivering the required value are the main service characteristics.

- Focusing on Personnel:

Kamaridis Globalwire heartbeat is the energy of its personnel. Strong, Effective, Avid, Safe, and Happy human resources were, is and will remain the course to success.

- Bolding on Entrepreneurship:

The founders and directors of this firm have dared to invest at the lowest market turn points, but also have been prudent when others over sailed their forces. Establishing strategy and unity of purpose are core outputs.

- Always following the Law:

Sustainable businesses and long-term success were always legitimate

- Concerning the Environment:

Human effect to Environmental change and its consequence to Life is undisputable. Identifying, assessing and managing the environmental aspects of KG entire supply chain want match our debt to the generations to come.

- Helping Communities:

Supporting non-profit initiatives that help those who cannot help themselves, and especially the children as well as the promotion of the athletic spirit are a small payback to the communities we owe.

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